6 Tips on Boosting AC Efficiency

6 Tips on Boosting AC Efficiency

If you live in an area with extreme summer temperatures, you know how crucial air conditioning can become as the summer sets in. And now more than ever, it’s key to understand how to reduce energy costs as the heat begins to soar, and so does your monthly bill. Air conditioners that perform poorly use more energy and are more likely to break down. Frequent cycling, higher electrical bills, strange noises, and frequent malfunctions indicate inefficiency. Learn how to take action today and increase air conditioner efficiency and reduce AC repairs in your home with these 6 easy steps.

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1. Thermostat Location And Setting

Make sure nothing that produces heat is close to your thermostat. Lamps and other heat-producing appliances might lead your thermostat to misjudge the air temperature inside your home. This will cause your air conditioner to cycle on and off more frequently since it believes that the atmosphere is warmer inside your home than it is. 

Additionally, you can help save a lot of energy by raising the temperature settings by 5 to 8 degrees in the summer and lowering them in the winter. You can adjust the thermostat more accurately from a distance if it is programmable.

2. Regularly Change Air Filters

A filter is necessary for every AC unit. The evaporator coils become clogged with debris, dirt, and other particles without one. Many types and designs of AC filters are available nowadays; some even have antibacterial qualities. No matter what filter you use, they help to improve indoor air quality while ensuring your air conditioner isn’t adding to the contaminants in your home.

The filter doesn’t take long to become clogged since it works so hard to remove airborne contaminants such as dirt and dust. You must routinely clean or change the filter if you want your air conditioner to continue to function optimally. Generally, you should replace lower-quality fiberglass filters every 30 days and pleated filters of higher quality every 60 to 90 days. You should change them more often in the summer when your air conditioner works harder and more frequently. 

3. Professionally Insulated Ductwork

You can waste a lot of energy if your home has exposed ductwork that runs through your home. All that recently chilled air can be heated up as it travels to your vents if the ductwork in your home passes through a space that is not air-conditioned. 

Furthermore, exposed ducts are more likely to become damaged and develop air leaks. When there is damage and leaks in your ductwork, the AC system has to work longer and harder. By properly and professionally insulating your ductwork, energy waste is reduced, and AC effectiveness is increased.

4. Keep Vents Clean And Clear

Despite vents’ essential role in a home’s air conditioning, homeowners frequently neglect to check and maintain their vents. Regularly inspect the vents and have your home’s vent system vacuumed out by a trained professional to guarantee your AC unit operates smoothly. As a result, the system’s airflow will be improved, and your AC unit will experience less strain.

You also need to ensure that your home’s vents are not blocked by items in your home. The harder a vent has to work to push air out into your home means losses in energy savings and additional stress on your AC unit. Keep the vent area clean and clear of chairs, shelves, and anything else that may disrupt the appropriate air flow necessary for effectively and efficiently cooling your home. 

5. Maintain The Outdoor Unit

Another important component of your air conditioner that doesn’t get the attention it deserves is the condenser unit. Because your unit is consistently exposed to the elements, it may gather debris over time. Have a qualified HVAC technician thoroughly clean the condenser unit and the area surrounding it.

Tree branches, lawn clippings, tall weeds or grass, and any other items or debris that could congest your condenser unit should be removed from the immediate area where it is located. You can gently rinse debris, such as dirt and dust, with a water hose. Use care when doing this, however, so that you do not damage or alter the unit in any way. 

6. Schedule Preventative Maintenance

If you want to increase your air conditioner’s effectiveness, preventive maintenance is necessary. It addresses many issues that may shorten your AC’s lifespan and efficiency. AC maintenance involves vacuuming condenser coils and clearing condenser coils of debris. The fins on the coil can also be straightened with a fin comb. Professional technicians can do routine cleaning, check coolant levels, and thoroughly inspect your unit to ensure it operates at its full potential. 

Regularly scheduled preventative maintenance increases air conditioner performance and prevents malfunctions. A spring tune-up can keep your system running smoothly and spot problems before they become serious and costly, helping you to prevent unanticipated breakdowns when the weather begins to heat up. 

Contact Us Today For Help With Your AC Needs

Staying “otterly” cool and comfortable on hot summer days is important. That’s why The Otter Guys provide high-quality AC installations, maintenance, and repairs for Charlottesville and many surrounding areas. Our professional HVAC services are budget-friendly and will ensure your air conditioner runs smoothly all summer. So, keep your cool this summer and call us today. Contact us now. 

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